Sunday, January 22, 2012

This Week: Back and Forward (3)

Last week I was all hot to trot on writing a novel in one month (my own personal NaNoWriMo), but if you follow this blog, you'll see that this didn't last long. Instead I discovered something about my writing preference (you can read all about it here if you'd like). So now I'm back to simply writing 5000 words a week, which I accomplished this past week with about 5500 words. I wrote the first draft of a short story that I'll be revising in the next couple of weeks to send out to magazines for publication, so that was nice. I hadn't written a short story other than a flash fiction piece for Friday Flash in quite a while. I also sent out quite a few of mys stories that were sitting on my hard drive. And much to my pleasure, one of them has been accepted! It's from the online magazine Short-Story.Me, and I'll have much more on that when it gets published. Even though I'm proud of every story I send out to publishers, it's always a nice surprise when one gets picked up. I'm hoping for more from this batch.

As for this next week, I'm not yet sure what I want to accomplish. I have options, so I'll get it figured out later today. I have a middle grade novel that I'm in the middle of writing, as well as an adult paranormal/horror story. I also have a few ideas for short stories that I may start writing instead. In addition to these actual writing projects that will get me words towards my goal of 5000, I will also begin planning another novel or two. Busy, busy, busy!

As for this blog, you can expect a new Speculative Fiction Writing Prompt tomorrow (Monday). Wednesday will bring a book review blog post, and Friday will bring another Friday Flash. Have a good week, everyone!