Sunday, February 5, 2012

This Week: Back and Forward (5)

As I said last week, I had a short story picked up by the online zine, A couple of hours after I made the post, the story went live. Give it a look. I'd love to hear what you think!

I didn't hit my word goal of 5000 words last week, but that's okay. I'll make it up. I don't consider the week a total loss as I worked on plenty of other writing things, but I have to admit I spent too much time reading (though that's a good thing for writing) and watching movies/TV (also not too bad, as ideas come from what I watch). I didn't finish my middle grade manuscript, but this coming week it will be done.

Also in this coming week, I'll have a Speculative Fiction Writing Prompt on Monday, and a blog post of some sort (I have no idea what yet) on Wednesday. No Friday Flash for me this week as it's the off week of my bi-weekly Friday Flash schedule. After I finish my middle grade novel, I'm going to jump right into an adult horror manuscript I started last summer and stopped working on. I got discouraged with it then, but I've since looked it over again, and I really do think it has potential. I'm going to finish it and see if I can mold it into something great. I also plan on plotting a couple of projects, so it should be a busy week.

I hope everyone has a productive week! Check here on Monday and Wednesday for new posts.